Author: aburns44

  • Resources

    Student Resources Key Stage 3 Resources Key Stage 4 Resources Key Stage 5 Resources

  • Whole School Curriculum

    Whole School Curriculum Intent Vision   Swanlea School Curriculum        

  • Remote Learning

    Remote learning If the government asks all schools to go into lockdown again, then please be assured that everything is in place for continuance of your child’s education via our […]

  • Parent View

    Parents/Carers This page lists detailed information to assist parents and carers who are brining up young people that either attend, or may attend Swanlea School in future. If you have […]

  • Student Support

    Student Support Safeguarding Safeguarding at Swanlea is a key part of our school.  Keeping our young people safe is our number one priority. We work with our young people and […]

  • Safeguarding

    Safeguarding Safeguarding Safeguarding at Swanlea is a key part of our school.  Keeping our young people safe is our number one priority. We work with our young people and also […]

  • Uniform

    Uniform Uniforms can be purchased from the following supplier: Trutex (Crossbow) Clothing Ltd, 31 Broadway Market, London, E8 4PH. Ph: 020 7923 9313

  • Financial Benchmarking and Financial information

    Financial Benchmarking and Financial information View the details of Swanlea School’s income, expenditure and balances. This information can also be compared with that of other schools. The full information that […]

  • Exam Results

    Exam Results    

  • Enrichment

    Key Stage 3 Enrichment At Swanlea School we run a wide range of fantastic Enrichment Programme/extra-curricular after school activities which give students opportunities to get involved in a wide range […]