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KS4 Personal Development Curriculum

The PD programme enables all students to understand the demands and expectations of modern society outside of a domestic and academic environment. These lessons encourage students to think about their present behaviours and what they can do to make informed choices regarding safe and respectful behaviours in society, career pathways, further education, health and well-being.

Lessons address critical information creating a window for students to broaden their horizons and elevate their ambitions. Students experience a range of aged-related lessons, where they engage in discussions, pair/group work, as well as building literacy skills such as writing on demand and comprehension. These deepen their understanding of key concepts in the three strands. Consequently, pupils develop holistically and with confidence, resilience and are better informed to be active citizens in British society.

To ensure there is consistent delivery of the personal development curriculum through a sequenced, coherent and spiral approach.

This will be achieved by:

  • A succinct version of the Swanlea learning cycle.
  • Carefully planned lessons, to provide thought provoking ‘Do Now’ activities, information, discussion, and consolidation of understanding, culminating in reflective writing-on-demand tasks.
  • An explicit delivery of what makes a positive, fully rounded person, an empathetic and healthy one, both physically, mentally and emotionally.
  • Preparing students to be a valuable global citizen in a modern multicultural world, through health and wellbeing, living in the wider world and relationships and sex education.
  • Mirroring the Fundamental British Values in the Swanlea Values: exploring Democracy, Rule of Law, Mutual Respect and Tolerance and Individual Liberty.
  • A caring and supportive environment that allows freedom of speech, questions and exploration, as well as a student council to represent the student voice.
  • Reinforcing the rights and responsibilities of the individual, to empower decision making and celebrate individuality.
  • Openly discussing consent, assessing risk and building resilience and confidence to recognise personal safety.
  • Creating socially confident individuals through planning, delivery and feedback-based improvement of performance in tutor group assemblies.
  • Providing cultural capital in arts week and super learning days.
  • Establishing links across the PD curriculum and academic provision.
  • Explicitly teaching the equalities agenda, exploring language, its power, meaning and impact, and implementing into the Swanlea Way.
  • Welcoming partners into the school to introduce outside perspectives that support the Fundamental British Values: Diversity Role Models, The Anne Frank Ambassador Programme, etc.
  • Creating digitally resilient and empowered individuals through the exploration of decoding social media, the internet and communication.

The intended impact of our Personal Development (PD) curriculum is to develop socially confident individuals who are emotionally resilient as well as financially and digitally literate. Furthermore, the PD curriculum supports in preparing our students to positively contribute to the multicultural and diverse communities they live in and have a wider presence in.

Students are also given the opportunity to develop their empathy and social skills by discussing topical and sensitive issues with their peers. In addition, we ensure our students stay updated on what is happening in the wider world so that they can make informed decisions in life.

Overall, the PD curriculum teaches our students to be mature, sociable and compassionate individuals which, in turn, will improve their future employability skills and be happier lives.