A Level Results 2022

A Level Results 2022!

Swanlea 6th Form Success!

We are celebrating amazing A Level and BTEC results once again for our Sixth Form students at Swanlea School. Students have certainly lived up to our values of Respect, Aspire and Achieve with 77% of students achieving A* to B grades. Many students are heading off to top universities such as Imperial, LSE, UCL, Queen Mary, Kings, Nottingham and Manchester. With an astounding 94% A*-C, staff, students, parents and carers are celebrating another set of outstanding results.

One such student is Mehjabin who achieved A*AA in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics which means she can pursue her dream to study Medicine at Queen Mary

Kevin (A*AA) will be studying Electronic Engineering at Imperial College and Fahim (A*A*A*) will go on to study Computer Science at Queen Mary, both now extremely happy with their impressive results.

Mumtahina, a future engineer, will be studying at the prestigious University College London thanks to her A* A* A A grades in Mathematics, Economics, Physics and Italian.

In addition, Naveena achieved A A A in Psychology, Sociology and Religious Studies and will go on to read Law at SOAS.

The further study of Maths continues to be highly popular with our successful students. Having obtained excellent results, Aasiful, Saima, Ehsanul, Imran, Ashfaqur are all off to top Russell Group universities.

We have many students venturing out of London for their degrees such as Ziad who is on his way to the University of Reading having achieved 3 A’s and Arafat who achieved A*, A, A and is going to the University of Nottingham to study Mechanical Engineering.

Our BTEC results were equally impressive and we have students going on to top universities such as Farhan and Aisha who will be studying Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence and Midwifery respectively at City University. Selassie and Luku will be going to Queen Mary to read Marketing and Business Management.

The Joint Heads of Sixth Form, Ms Khatun and Ms Dosanjh said, “It has been a privilege to work with such wonderful young people. Here at Swanlea, we foster a culture of hard work and success, as witnessed by today’s celebrations. We are so proud of all our students.”

Headteacher Ms Landers was overjoyed by the results. She stated, “These results are a testament to the continued academic excellence in which we pride ourselves at Swanlea. We are elated that so many of our students are able to go to their first choice universities, including a significant number who will be continuing their academic studies at Russell Group universities.” Ms Landers further stated, “This is a fantastic set of results for both the school and the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff, our Governors, and, of course, the students themselves for their sheer determination and hard work!”

It is no surprise that Swanlea Sixth Form remains a popular choice for many of our students. We are exceptionally pleased with the excellent achievement of all our sixth formers today and wish them much happiness and success in their futures!
