GCSE Results 2022


Swanlea School students celebrated outstanding GCSE results this year.  88% of our pupils achieved grades 4 or above in English and Maths (standard pass), while 79% accomplished grade 5 or above (stronger pass) in the same subjects.  87% of our year 11 students attained 5 GCSEs, including English and Maths at grade 4 or above (standard pass). 79% of pupils gained 5 GCSEs including English and Maths at grade 5 or above (stronger pass).

Marjan Montu accomplished ten grade 9s

Almost every student gained a standard pass for GCSE English. In fact, 93% can boast of a grade 4 or above in this core subject.  88% of students achieved a grade 5 or above in English. Our pupils are also celebrating successful grades in Maths, as 89% of students achieved a grade 4, or above and 80% of students accomplished a grade 5 or above in this equally important subject.

Zain Kakooza achieved 7 Grade 9s

50% of Swanlea School students achieved the highest possible grades of 7-9 in Maths and 43% of students achieved similar grades between 7-9 in English!

Aadil Ahmed achieved seven grade 9s

Swanlea school has also recorded its best ever GCSE Science results with 84% of students achieving a grade 4 or above.

Thomas Ford gained six grade 9s

39% of all grades achieved across all subjects were as high as they could be, ranging from 7-9!

Swanlea School’s Headteacher, Ms Brenda Landers says:

“Huge congratulations to our young people! Our Year 11 and Year 13 results are our best ever and they reflect the enormous amount of hard work that’s been done by our students, their families and our amazing staff.”
